MilDef Group AB’s Nomination Committee consists of the following members:
- Johan Ståhl, appointed by Svolder AB (publ), Chair of the Nomination Committee
- Marianne Trolle, representing her own ownership in MilDef
- Martin Jonasson, appointed by Andra AP-fonden
Furthermore, the Chair of the Board, Björn Karlsson, is co-opted to the Nomination Committee.
Information about the Nomination Committee’s work is available on MilDef’s website Nomination Committee – MilDef Investors.
Shareholders who wish to submit proposals to the Nomination Committee for the AGM 2025 can do so by e-mail to valberedning@mildef.com or by letter to MilDef Group AB, Att: Nomination Committee, Box 22079, S-250 22 Helsingborg.
In order for the Nomination Committee to be able to consider proposals received in a constructive manner for the 2025 Annual General Meeting, such proposals should be received by the Nomination Committee no later than January 31, 2025.
MilDef’s Annual General Meeting will be held in Helsingborg on May 22, 2025.
The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact persons set out below, at 15:00 CET on October 28, 2024.
For more information, please contact:
Johan Ståhl, Chair of the Nomination Committee
Phone: +46 70 876 88 42
Email: valberedning@mildef.com
Daniel Ljunggren, CEO and President
Phone: +46 70 668 00 15
Email: daniel.ljunggren@mildef.com
Olof Engvall, Head of IR & Communications
Phone: +46 735 41 45 73
Email: olof.engvall@mildef.com
MilDef is a global systems integrator and full-spectrum provider specializing in rugged IT for military, government and critical infrastructure sectors. MilDef provides hardware, software and services that shield and protect critical information streams and systems, when and where the stakes are the highest. MilDef’s products are sold to more than 200 customers through companies in Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland, the United States and Australia, and through partner networks in more than 40 countries. MilDef was founded in 1997 and is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm since 2021.