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Diagonal announces first pilot test at a stud with LAMPlify®

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Diagonal Bio AB (publ) (“Diagonal Bio” or “the Company”) announces a partnership with Gocksta Stud (Gocksta Stuteri), led by Anne-Sophie Thiam, to conduct a three-month pilot study, which begins immediately. This pilot test will evaluate LAMPlify’s potential for rapid detection of respiratory viruses in horses, with a specific focus on EHV1 (equine herpesvirus type 1). This virus poses a significant risk in horse breeding due to its potential to cause spontaneous abortion in pregnant mares.

Anne-Sophie Thiam, the founder and owner of the stud, oversees between 40–60 mares annually at her stud, where isolation of infected mares is essential to prevent the transmission of  EHV1 virus in the herd. A fast diagnostic method enables breeders to  respond immediately to protect their animal’s health.

The pilot test at Gocksta Stud is a part of Diagonal Bio’s efforts to evaluate and optimise the LAMPlify® solution to best support horse breeders in their proactive measures against viruses. The results of this pilot test will add further strength for expansion into the equine sector and additional partnerships with breeders.

“I am excited to test Diagonal Bio’s application. It’s essential to isolate infected mares quickly from the others. Although we vaccinate regularly, the protection against viruses is only about 60%. Additionally, some horses carry the virus without showing any symptoms” – Anne-Sophie Thiam, founder of Gocksta Stud (Gocksta Stuteri)

“This is a new segment within the equine industry for us. As with competitive horses, large investments are at stake. Breeding requires great dedication, knowledge, and responsibility to ensure success and animal welfare, and we look forward to supporting studs like Gocksta in this work” – Karin Wehlin, CEO of Diagonal Bio AB (publ)

This press release contains inside information that Diagonal Bio AB (publ) is required to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication on October 31, 2024, at 15:00 CET.

For additional information about, please contact:
Karin Wehlin, CEO
Phone: +46 703 052488

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About Diagonal Bio
Diagonal Bio AB was founded in 2020 and is a Swedish biotechnology company with headquarters and offices in Lund. The Company develops the PANVIRAL® platform to detect and diagnose small sections of pathogen genomes, for example viruses, bacteria and fungi. The Company was founded with the goal of reducing human suffering by revolutionising global diagnostics of pathogen-borne diseases with proprietary technology. Diagonal Bio’s patented technology can also be used for the less regulated market segments via LAMPlify®.

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