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Written by 12:17 pm CSP

STENOCARE Welcomes Danish Health Minister’s Decision to Permanently Legalise Medical Cannabis for Patients



The Danish Pilot Programme for medical cannabis is set to become a permanent legalisation for the treatment of Danish patients, according to the government. Today, the Danish Health Minister invited political parties to discuss the permanent legalisation of medical cannabis in Denmark. This is excellent news for Danish patients and Stenocare, as it secures future access to and sales of medical cannabis in Denmark.

In 2018, the Danish Parliament approved a Pilot Programme to allow treatment with medical cannabis during a trial period set to expire in December 2025. According to a press release from the Minister for Interior and Health, 20,000 prescriptions have been issued under the programme, which is now at its highest level since its inception.

The Minister of Interior and Health, Sophie Løhde, is stating in the press release:

“We can see that many patients who are prescribed medical cannabis by their doctor seem to benefit from the treatment. This applies, for example, to cancer patients who may suffer from severe nausea after chemotherapy treatment, or people with multiple sclerosis who may experience severe pain,’ says Minister of the Interior and Health Sophie Løhde and continues:

“If the government has its way, patients must continue to have a legal opportunity to use medicinal cannabis, which is why we are proposing to make the Pilot Programme permanent. But now we’ll have to see what the parties decides to support.”

Stenocare sees this as a victory for Danish patients, Stenocare and the medical cannabis industry. The permanent legalisation will provide certainty for patients’ continued treatment with medical cannabis, as it will no longer be limited to a temporary pilot programme. For the industry, the permanent legalisation will establish a clear framework for the future, offering clarity beyond December 2025 and justify investments in new products that deliver value to both doctors and patients.

Stenocare CEO, Thomas Skovlund Schnegelsberg, is commenting:

“Stenocare has been a leading supplier of medical cannabis products to the Danish Pilot Programme since 2018. The programme has provided valuable insights into the regulatory framework, patient treatment, the prescription process, and product subsidies. It is excellent news for patients and Stenocare that the government is now taking steps toward permanent legalisation. We were invited to provide input for the pilot evaluation report, which politicians will use in their work to define a permanent legalisation model for Denmark. We are confident that the future of medical cannabis treatment is in good hands.”

Read the official press release from the Minister of Interior and Health (only in Danish): Regeringen vil gøre ordning med medicinsk cannabis på recept permanent | Indenrigs- og Sundhedsministeriet

For additional information regarding STENOCARE, please contact:
Thomas Skovlund Schnegelsberg, CEO          Phone: +45 31770060            E-mail:

STENOCARE A/S, founded in 2017, supplies prescription-based medical cannabis to patients in Denmark and internationally. It was the first company to receive permission from the Danish Medicines Agency to import, distribute, cultivate, and produce medical cannabis. Today, STENOCARE sources its products from a selection of high-quality international suppliers that comply with the strict European Good Manufacturing Practices (EU-GMP). STENOCARE has developed a unique patented medical cannabis oil product, ASTRUM, which provides improved bioavailability of active ingredients for patients. The company has strategically invested in assets to operate within the highly regulated pharmaceutical industry, with products approved for sale in multiple countries.

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